The Baton’s Purpose


The Primary Mission of the Baton…

is to raise and maintain awareness within society regarding the reality of life for service personnel and their families and to promote the level of support that they are rightfully due.


The Charity Commission statement for the Charity…

To promote the efficiency of the armed forces of the Crown;

and The relief of members and former members of the armed forces of the Crown, and their dependents, who are in need through measures including but not limited to:

The promotion, protection and rehabilitation of the health and well being of those who have been wounded or injured, physically or psychologically, whilst serving in the armed forces;

The provision of grants to other charities which assist members and former members of the armed forces, and their dependents;

and The raising of awareness and education of the public in the deeds, sacrifices, and role of the armed forces.


Our Objectives

Non political, to represent the nation’s support for our forces as a symbol of national conscience through our Message. It is recognised that we all have the freedom to object to war and our own beliefs, but it should be remembered that as a nation we have chosen to have Armed Forces to defend our rights and, as long as that is the case, we should stand by and support them when they are asked to do that in the name of their country.

To our serving personnel – We want to reassure our serving personnel of our nation’s pride in their professionalism and dedication.We are proud of their efforts and assure them that they are always in our thoughts whilst on active service.




The highest standards possible regarding….

  • Operational support in theatre
  • Reliable Equipment
  • Trauma, Medical & Family support
  • Housing
  • Overall Welfare
  • Support for Bereaved Families
  • Compensation
  • Rehabilitation
  • Transitional help into Civilian Life
  • Honouring The Military Covenant
  • Comprehensive Training
  • Mental Health Support
Amongst many other necessary issues should remain the nation’s objectives.


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